Friday, January 30, 2009

The remnants of the republican party, after the shambles Bush's cronyiusm and ligarchy left it in has been reduced to a party without ideas, it is a party of mere reaction, chauvinism and it is right now been reduced to the level the pre civil war antebellum south was. It can't reach out to any part of the country, it can't deal with modern realities and it is anti intellectual. Like the old south, it is completely anal, incapable of evolving beyond the good old boy buddy system of politicsand it willnot accept a world which disenfranchises such an arrangement. It is thereby announcing that it willfire on Fort Sumner and secede from the union. The defecit, the economic crisis willnolonger be its responsibility,it will be the north's,or the liberals who the remnants of the republicanparty will demonize as having caused all the problems anyway as a massive scheme to give tax cuts,particularly topoor nonworking uppity lazy niggers so the liberals can take over America and then let these uppity niggers rule over the white man who made this country and wh is only represented by the remnants of the republican party which is led by RushLimbaugh, Sarah Pailand and Sean Hannity. There is no world wide economic crisis, it is a liberalplot used to get a nigger into the white house to crush the true patriots of America who want to keep fighting in Iraq where there were weapons of mass destruction,liberal blogs are lying whren they say Saddam Hussein was not the threat toAmerica after 9-11. Like the recent rrepublican refusal to vote in favor of a stimulus planto try and create jobs in America and thus to create a flow of money in America and possibly create a middle class again, the republican party has taken an entirely adversarioal position to the America they are leaving. They will not even tell what their economy will be based on in their new nation, it is reputed they will retreat to the Ozarks intoTrailer Parks and live off money, the lords of the manor at least, in a feudal system off money they made off war profiteering during the bush administration, corruption unchecked and lobbying.In fact many of the WallStreet bandits that caused this crisis and got a bailout intend tomove to this new republican land with the bailout money, set up a feudaL SYSTEM NOT UNLIKE THE ANTEBELLUM SOUTH and the rest of the Americans who cannot accept the new system, the new America are welcome to move to these plantatatial manors and live in cottages as sharecroppers and they will be guaranteed a job even if it is largely subsistence and is based on the acceptance of a caste like class system where you will always be subservient to the family of wealth whose plantation you work on and there will be a nobility that willexist generation to generation, the first generation of course was the thieves who loted The former America in the Bush administration tobegin with. Nothing will change from here on, the liberals will be fought if they try to extend their nonreligious soveirnty over the republican America, but otherwise, as with the antebellum south innovation wioll be discouraged, science will be illegal and there will be little or no education even among the upper classes. Things will not change. And the defecit, and the economic tumult willbelong entirely to the devilliberals. And the republicans will follow Phyllis Schaffley's advice and have enough H bombs to destroy the rest of America, even themselves to guarantee the balance of power and their soveirnty.
The Republican Agenda announced for the economic crisis Title

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